Find out who you really are - discover the missing secrets inside yourself!
Dedicated to serve therapists, mineral collectors, science , |
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Cosmic Desert Glass – Lib. Desert Glass View list of selected Cosmic Lib. Desert Glass offers - Kosmisches Wuestenglas!caused by cosmic event from Great Sand Sea : E-Mail: |
BOLI Stones Powerful stones come from the Rub al Khali desert
new in! |
Sacred Light-Stone look a bit like prophecy stones in stick form from the Rub al Khali desert applies on heart chacra. Sacred Light Stones come from the Rub al Khali desert High rather female energy. Vibrates and penetrates very fast the material plane especially around your head towards the outer world. Gives quite a tremendous energy - and even higher synergy when used together (in near distance of up to appr. 2 inches) with Prophecy stones which work more on a soul level while Sacred Light Stones radiate from the atmosphere. Sizes of appr. 1 inch length
New! Life Stones US$ 0.36/gr US$ sold! |
sold! |
stone - Prophecy stone
Prophecy Stones - important note: |
(green Quartz from Serafos) |
Umgang mit Spielfaktor Zeit - Confrontation with Game Factor Time "mind-wave restructuring", helps you to deal with stress, hilft Dir mit Streßsituationen umzugehen! Prasem, Green Quartz from Greece (Serafos)also fine prasem clusters specimen in top quality - ask for price or images.
View even bigger collection here
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New! Will Stone
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large Malachit / Chrysocolla specimen
Connect to the memory and wisdom of the Earth with Malachit and Chrysokoll (Chrysocoll). For individual prices - kindly state picture file name# from the gallery and ask for fair price: |
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10cm (4 inch) max.length
Image gallery click here:
For individual prices - kindly state picture file names# and ask for quote please! |
For an understanding of the product, it's scientific and/or metaphysical properties click kindly following icon in the specific row: |
Product (click on hyperlink for details!) |
Intended benefit: For an understanding of mental and emotional factors we recommend you read the documents by click on hyperlinks below for details |
"Bew" | ||
kindly ask for availability: | ||
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Moldavite | |
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kindly ask for availability: | ||
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1.)"MA" "MO" "LEGA"
kindly ask for availability: | ||
kindly ask for availability: | ||
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"Gratit" |
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Zincite | |
kindly ask for availability: | ||
kindly ask for availability: | ||
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"Will" | |
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"Human" | |
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"C82" | |
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Dho 378 |
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Top Quality and Rare Crystals, Crystal Groups and Mineral Specimen; | ||
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Metaphysical Properties & potential applications of Selected Extraterrestrial Stones | ||
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Metaphysical Properties (see below) |
Energy &
Healing stones (Energiesteine & Heilsteine): | ||
Powerful due to the fact that the alexandrites have different rays of colors (vibrations) You may ask if you are allowed to call upon the Crystal Spirit of Alexandrite (especially while you are physically in contact with the stone). Properly asked the Guardian will help you to gain Clarity, in whatever the situation maybe. |
The Alexandrite derives its name from Alexander II, czar of Russia, in 1839. It was said that a group of miners in the Ural Mountains found some stones that looked like emeralds, but when they took them back to the camp that night, the campfire light made them shine red. Next morning, however, these unusual "emeralds" shone green again. The miners realized that they had discovered a new gem stone. Red and green were the imperial Russian colors, giving the alexandrite the meaning of imperial power and domination and/or empowerment on e social level. good color change, ask for qualities, offers and pictures ! ask for specials! check also kindly some sample images of more Alexandrite crystals and fine specimen Fine Alexandrite XX, Russia, 5.98g with great color change and top faceting quality; 9x19x25mm max bulb light view: daylight view:
Large, fine Alexandrite cluster, Russia, 159.26g, appr. 90mm max. diam. with great color change. bulb light view: daylight view: Price for you ask: | ||
Andalusite- crystals,China,anpoliert,TN $4, MS $11 |
Apache tears (Appachenträne/Appachentränen) , TN $0.20/stk. MS $0.75/stk. |
Aqua Aura, fine quality of small top clusters, AAA quality TN $7, MS $15 |
Benitoite, from the San Benito Mine; Available are wonderful crystals. ask for fair price |
This unique meteorite "Bew" helps you to clear and enlighten human Consciousness. "Bew" hilft dir das menschliche Bewußtsein zu klären und zu erhellen! |
"Bew" - (Extraterrestrial Origin) 1 unique meteorite of 220gr was found on the Arabian Peninsular. All scientific data with exact coordinates of find are on file in meteorite laboratory. No pairing known to this unique stony meteorite! It was found on 2001-08-15 (KIN 224 - GELBER ELEKTRISCHER SAMEN) I 1 crt $3.50:
2 crt stone sold; 3 crt stone $10.50 sold!; 4 crt stone $21; 11crt stone $35; 20 crt stone $70; 30 crt stone $105 | ||
This unique meteorite can be helpful to Surrender C82 führt Dir das Gefühl der Rührung zu. C82 brings Kundalini in the upper part of the personality into flowing! |
"C82" - (Extraterrestrial Origin)
1 unique meteorite of 448,3gr was found on 2001-08-11 on the Arabian Peninsular.
All scientific data with exact coordinates of find are on file in meteorite laboratory.
No pairing known to this unique stony meteorite! C82 kann dir hilfreich kann sein Dich dem Höchsten Göttlichen zu Übergeben. Bringt die Kundalini im oberen Bereich zum Fließen. C82 can assist you to surrender to the Highest - to your God/Goddess/All that Is! C82 initialises the Kundalini flows in the higher chakras.
Render! C82 was found on 2001-08-11 (KIN 220 - GELBE KRISTALLE SONNE) 1 crt $5.50; 2 crt stone $11; 3 crt stone sold!; 4 crt stone $22;
11crt stone $55; 20 crt stone $100; 30 crt stone $140; | ||
Cathedrals are sometimes said to be the "ancient ones". Introduces Angelic Energies! |
Cathedral Quartz Crystals and Crystal Groups from Transsylvania; Cathedral Quartz connects with parallel worlds/planes | ||
Regeneration; Lightful energy. Enhances the level of your "group dynamics" |
Danburite Clear crystals with termination from 3gr to 25gr: museum grade, undamaged fine termination: $0.80/gr reg. grade: $0,23/gr cutting quality: $0.35/gr | ||
Donuts, Fragen Sie bitte nach reichhaltigem Sortiment: Sugilith 2€/gr, Jade 0,70/Stk), Lapislazuli, Rosenquarz, u.v.m.) ab 1€/STk. je nach Qualität und Bestellmenge E-Mail: | |||
baut partiell bewusst Verbindung mit astralischen Wesensheiten auf, wirkt über die Schädeldecke |
Aluminium-Mangan-Phosphat Eräjärvi, Viitaniemi, Finnland bräunliche kristalline Garben,Adern und Spots in heller Orthoklas - Matrix 0,95/gr für Stücke von 2 bis 60gr | ||
"Sweet Home Alabama Lightning Glass" - Movie
Blitzröhre, Kugelblitz, Lightning
Glass) Great Erg, Sahara Fulgurite (derived from the Latin root word "fulgur", meaning lightning) is Lightning Glass formed by blossoming of electricity and silica when a thunder bolt of lightning strikes a dune of sand and such creates glassy crystal formations. 32,3g 120x40x20mm $3521g 80x40x30mm $32
75x25x23mm $26
sold! 3.7g 50x13x12mm $82.4g 40x15x12mm sold!beautiful Assortment of 100 grm: $98 |
"Gratit" 1 unique meteorite of 585gr was found around 2001-08-16 on the Arabian Peninsular. All scientific datas with exact coordinates of find are on file in meteorite laboratory. No pairing known to this unique stony meteorite! Reinigt von behaftenden Energieschaltkreisen. Kann von Besessenheit rasant und schlagartig reinigen, wenn man ihn auf Herzchakra oder betroffenen Bereich hält. Verstärkt Aktivität des Herzchakras. Has an intense cleansing effect on bodies energy circuits. Helps at exorcism applications when put on heart chakra. Stabilizing effect. Catalyzes the activity of the heart chakra. 1 crt $3,90:
1,5 crt stone sold; 3 crt stone $11; 7crt stone $24; 10crt stone $32 |
Wholesale! |
lot of 70 Grams $32 Half Kilo $185 Full Kilo $350 |
Herkimers are dream and vision crystals. They may help you to access your true potential and growth.
Herkimer-Diamanten, Herkimerdiamanten: Verfügbarsind lots von Stücken in ca. 5mm Grösse bis Einzelkristalle oder Kristallgruppen mit Länge (max) ca. 1cm, 3cm, 5cm, 8cm, 12cm | ||
Sein Informationsgehalt ist ein Erinnerer einer alten Kultur, der uns über Selbstfindung zur richtigen Resonanz im Sinne von Zentriertheit und Gerichtetheit des Willens führt,. Er sammelt unsere verborgenen Resonanzfelder auf. |
NWA 3078 Achondrite different mineralogy + unique thermal history Silica glass inclusions. 1 Stk. mit Kruste mit einem Gesamtgewicht 733g, von dem weniger als 10% auf den Markt kommen.Classification and mineralogy (A. Greshake and M. Kurz, MNB): polymict breccia dominated by often chemically zoned orthopyroxene fragments set into a clastic matrix. Other types of fragments include large blocky pagioclase, pigeonite with augite exsolution lamellae, and unusual orthopyroxene and sulfide-rich clasts; orthopyroxene, Fs23.8-47.7Wo1.4-3.3, plagioclase, An90.9; pigeonite, Fs25-40.3Wo5.1-6.3; augite, Fs17.7-29.6Wo27.3-42.4; minor phases are sulfides, FeNi metal, chromite, and Al-Ti-rich chromite; low degree of shock; low degree of weathering. Klassifikation (Berlin) und Nummer sind schon fertig; Keine Paarung zu diesem einzigartigen Material! Auch energetisch ist er ein sensationeller Schatz! | ||
This unique meteorite enhances the exhilarating feeling and urge within you for your Love to humanity, leadership, feeling of souvereignity and serenity, vermittelt 'exhilirierendes’ Gefühl der Menschheit zu helfen, wahre Führerschaft, Erhebendes Gefühl der Erhabenheit! |
"Human" - (Extraterrestrial Origin) 1 unique meteorite of 145,6gr was found on 2001-08-13 on the Arabian Peninsular. All scientific datas with exact coordinates of find are on file in meteorite laboratory. No pairing known to this unique stony meteorite! (Kin: Weißer Magnetischer Wind) 1 crt $7:
2 crt stone sold; 3 crt stone $21; 7crt stone $49; 11crt stone $77 | ||
It is said that Larimar helps us to view incidents from a new perspective.This stone helps us to go + adjust at the right point with changes to which we are constantly exposed. It is not a coincidence that the Atlantis stone appears at the moment the world is going thr. important transformational changes |
Larimar (blue Pectolithe, Atlantis Stone) Larimar is a rare gem with a soft blue color, that has only been found in one location on earth: in the Dominican Republic.
Larimar - Atlantisstein is a blue Pectolithe (volcanic zeolithe mineral).
available in all sizes | ||
Leopardenjaspis, Cabochons , $6/pce |
Cosmic Desert Glass – Lib. Glass |
Magnesite XX Magnesit from Oberzeiring Styria and from Brasil in museum quality from $15+, Cabochons, med $3; rough nice magnesite from Austria: €15/kg |
Melanite, Melanit Mexiko |
Hilft Dir mit seinen durch ihn wirkenden Lichtstrahlen das breite Band der Emotionen positiv anzunehmen. |
"Mo" - (Extraterrestrial Origin) 1 unique meteorite of an extremely rare scientific group was found early 2002 in the Algerian desert. 1 crt $9:
1,5 crt stone sold; 3 crt stone $43; 10crt stone $82 |
Merlinit,2x2cm, $5/pce Merlinit,schwarzer Drusenpsilomelan,3x4cm $8/pce: Merlinite, Druzy psilomelane, appr. 1x1cm, polished Cabochon $15/pce. |
moldavite channels cosmic light rays to Directs you to Self realization. May assist you to transform yourself to the highest level of Personality |
For more Moldavite offers click here: Moldavite Let us know your wishes: |
They shall enhance mental flexibility in you |
Moqui-marbles Die Moquis/ Moqi-Marbles, die auch "die lebendigen Steine" genannt werden. Diese Steine sind fast immer paarweise zu finden, und zu kaufen. Sie sollen dir helfen mentale Flexibilität zu entfalten und stabilisieren. Sie wurden vom Stamm der sagenumwobenen Anazusi-indianer als Ritual- und Spielsteine in spielerischer Form verwendet. Sie wurden auf einem malerischen Hochplateau in über 300 Meter Seehöhe in den Rocky Mountains gefunden. (Moqui-Kugeln) 3cm Durchmesser: 3.99€; 4cm 6€, 5cm 7.50€
Nephrite USA,: $3, $5 $6 bag $10 |
Neptunite, from the San Benito Mine; Available are wonderful crystals. ask for fair price |
Orangenkalzit (Orange Calcite) : $9/kg |
Phenacites, Phenakit Russia, . Available are wonderful crystals. ask for fair price |
Picassojaspis,Cabochon , medium $ 6/pce, Picasso jasper,Cabochon, large $ 10/pce. |
Balancing polarities |
Pop Rocks, mixed lot of 500g $22 Let us know your wishes: |
Look here for Metaphysical Property of this Stone Klicken Sie hier um über die Wirkung des Prophetenstein zu erfahren! |
Prophecy Prophet stone, Prophetenstein, Attention! Click for important autheticity note!
New powerful stone for opening the crown
chakra and for
Alle weltbekannten, grossen Propheten der Geschichte, hielten sich entweder
in einer (relativ) wolkenfreien Wueste oder sonst wie "ueber
den Wolken" (z.B. Himalaya) auf. 20g piece $18/ piece 30g piece $25/ piece or $ 48/pair 60g piece $56/ piece or $ 88/pair 70g piece $59/ piece or $ 94/pair Prophetensteine: |
Pyrit, Pyrite Pyrite in allen Kristallisationsformen und von verschiedensten Fundorten. Preise beginnen je nach Grösse, von grösseren Schaustufen abgesehen, ab 1.30€/Stück |
Grounding (Solar Plexus) |
Pyrite Sun, pyrite suns (Pyritsonnen, pyrite dollar, Pyritdollar), small: $12 medium: $18 large: $35 |
Calming, thought amplifier. Sometimes releasing physical blockage. Might help aligning one's etheric body; tonic for depression |
Sahara Dream stone.
Safire, Saphire from Ceylon, faceted stones, nice colors, lot of 10 stones $65 |
helpful for cellular regeneration |
SERAPHINITE (CHLORITE): It is said: Master healer of the new age and itzs said its helpful for cellular regeneration. Cabochons and slices from $5-$25 |
Sugilithe,rough, $70- $180/kg |
Septaria,Scheiben,herrl.gebaendt.,9+cm Stk/pce $11 |
Septaria,thick slices,herrl.gebaendt.,12+cm Stk/pce $12 |
Septaria,Scheiben,herrl.gebaendt.,15+cm Stk/pce $18 |
Septaria, rough $10/kg |
Spectrolithe Spektrolith, colourful , rough $25/kg |
Enhances flow of energy |
Sugilith, Sugilithe,rough/roh/, €0.16/gram |
Sugilith,tumbled, getrommelt, medium size rough/roh/, €0.18/gram |
Sugilithe Cabochons, top quality, AAA $3/crt |
Sugilith, donut,25mm, St €17 |
Sugilithe, Ketten, (nugget beads) ab 16€ |
Sunstone / Sonnenstein, beautiful, clear runded stones of appr.12x10x5mm : 1 dozen $9; (1 Dutzend $9) |
Tansanite, Tansanit Tansania, faceted stones (German cut) ask for fair price E-Mail: |
Tuerkis - turquoise, |
Unity of purpose |
Unakit,getrommelt, $9/kg |
Zircon -crystals : $8, $15 |
Zincite (Zinckite, Zinkite) crystals (sublimate) from Poland (Silesia , Schlesien , Slonsk) Quick Link To our Site: Zincite
Crystal Ally Cards ask for fair price E-Mail: |
| ||
magnifier of electrical impulse |
Tansanite, Tansanit Tansania, faceted stones (German cut) ask for fair price E-Mail: |
Top Quality Mineral Specimen for collectors, galleries and museums: many astonishing items and surprising pictures will still be published here for you! We can also email more items or photos to you on request now! Be free to contact us if you have any further question. | |||
ALBITE | |||
Russian Alexandrite, good colour change, ask for qualities, offers and pictures! |
fine Amazonite crystal clusters $30, $50, $80, $300, | |||
ANAPAITE green crystal clusters Kertsch-Peninsula, Krim Ukraine TN: $10, 15, 18 | |||
Andalusite, Andalusit-crystals,thin slices $5/pce |
Yellow: Some say this is helpful for: Receiving Blue: Some say this is helpful for: Expression |
nice Apatite crystal clusters $10 sold, $20, $40, $70 clear yellow single crystals without matrix from Durango Mexiko, found 1978; appr. 20x15x15mm $6/pce 1 dozen for $50. transparent blue crystals without matrix from Tansania, found 1998; appr. 10x10x8mm $4/pce, 1 dozen for $35. |
Some say this is helpful for: Understanding Symbolic thought. |
top Apophyllite clusters and Crystals, clear and green, , $50, $80, $300, $500 ask for offers |
AQUAMARINE, AQUAMARIN, top quality from Orissa India, top clear , impressing crystal shape + terminations, $5, $12, $21, $230 |
Some say this is helpful for: Bones Cleaning blockages. |
excellent Aragonite crystal clusters $30, $50, $80, $120 |
ARSENIC, gediegen Arsen |
Native Asbest (protected) |
Axinite crystals Polarural:Pliva,GUS $30, $50 |
Azurite, Morenczi,Arizona, 100% pure ,good for healing
purposes or fine cutting! |
Baltic Amber, Bernstein, Baltic Amber,
nuggets,tumbled,small sized (bag of 24) $ 10/bag nuggets,tumbled,medium sized (bag of 12):$9/bag Amber-tumbled- medium lot of 20pcs $12 Baltic Amber, Cabs, AAA-quality, white $13 ea
Amber-tumbled- medium lot of 20pcs $12 Baltic Amber, AAA-quality, white, $13 ea |
Brazilianite $20 for bag of 3 crystals heavenly crystals , huge sized from historical locations, 100's of top specimen in all sizes |
Some say this is helpful for: Anonymity |
amazing Baryte, Baryt specimen from Transsylvania $30, $50, $80, $300, $550, |
Beryls ( aquamarine , emerald, heliodor, morganite) clear crystals, ask for offers and photos |
BERTHIERITE, BERTHIERIT spheres in nut size $13 ea | |||
BERTRANDITE, BERTRANDIT, beautiful Bertrandite crystals on matrix $30, $50, $80, $120 | |||
Bixbyites , nice crystals in matrix $20, $50, $80, $120 $300 | |||
Boulangerite ( lead antimony sulfide ) beautiful hair-like mineral | |||
Bournonite .(lead copper antimony sulfide)
top crystals on matrix from | |||
Britholite-(Ce) Hide Locs Formula: (Ce,Ca) 5 (SiO 4 ,PO 4 ) 3 (OH,F) member of the Apatite group. System: Hexagonal Hardness: 5½ Hardness (Mohs') 5½ Québec Oka Rouville Co. Mt Saint-Hilaire small museum specimen $21 | ||
incredible Calzite balls from Herja, Romania , black and white
!, $30, $50, $80, $300, |
Calzite BrushyCreek,ReynoldsCty top-grade $30, $50, $80 | |||
Calcite Black, with Boulangerite from Transsylvania: Spheres (from $10-200), half spheres (from $5-200), and museum spciemen $6, $7 sold , $11, $20, $32, $50, |
Celestite, Poland, ask for qualities offers and pictures |
Charoite, perfect squares AAA colour $18/pce. 3 for $47 - compare at $40/pce |
Charoite, bag of free forms, A colour 200gr $25- compare at $50 |
Charoite, large slices AA colour $ 40/Lb |
Chiastolithe (Chiastolith-Kreuzstein)Topqu,anpoliert,ca.2.5x2.5x4.5cm |
Chiastolithe- cross stone, Topqu,anpoliert,thin slices $5/pce |
blue Chalcedony, Drusy type, from Romania, lot of 12: $10 | |||
Chrysoprase, Chrysopras, Poland, tumbled, medium sized (bag of 1kg) $55 |
Citrine,Ural,Russland $30, $50, $80, $300, | |||
Cornetite from Shaba Province, Congo TN: $25 - $30.00 | |||
Crocoite, Krokoit,from Dundas,
Tasmania Crocoite superb museum specimen large deepred crystals handy sizes 1x1" to 1,5x1,5" US-$14 to $350 Crocoite X appr. 1.5cm long $5 |
Citrine,Ural,Russland small points $40/dozen ; medium $9/pce |
Cuprite, cabochons from Morecnzi Arizona, (30x21mm, etc.) €19 ($27) /pce., and free shapes (ask for fair price), top color, | |||
Danburite (Danburit) crystals , Mexico, clear and beautiful
crystals , ask |
rare! |
Domeykite Cu3As from Algodones mines, Coquimbo, Chile large slices appr.60x40 x7mm $29; large half nuggets appr. 60x40mm polished surface area $59 |
Russian Emerald XX, Tokowaja, Russia on small matrix, collectors grade 1x1/2" to 1x1" lot of 3 pcs. $25 -
Fire opal , Feueropal Mexiko, ask for special prices |
piece! very impressive ! rare gold-tellur mineral from Transsykvania!
Fulgurite | |||
Galena with Sfalerite from Transsylvania top grade museum specimen from $25 to $280 |
top selection from small to very large
crystals & matrix |
Gold nugget, |
Hanksite X and XX, Hanksite is a rare mineral found in crystal form as evaporite deposits in Californian dry lake beds; Sodium Potassium Sulfate Carbonate Chloride |
Hauyn (Haueyn) - a brillant Gem from Eifel Germany | |||
Hessonite crystal clusters from California, Serifos, Banat and Bohemia $8 $20, $60 | |||
Katzenauge Quarz, Catseye (Quartz) :Cabochons , $6/pce |
gelber Labradorit (golden Labradorite) : $ 70/kg |
Lapislazuli from Russia and Afghanisthan, |
Lovozerite Type Locality Lovozero Mtns., Kola Peninsula, GUS nice crystals in matrix $30-$47 |
medium sized and large Romanian laser quartz crystals of top
quality: $7, |
Manganocalcite,XX from Siebenbuergen, $25/Lb | |||
Mimetite crystals, Mimetesit Mexiko $15 $30, $60 | |||
Obsidian , $6/kg |
Rocks (these are not Bojis),large pieces , pairs, ask for special |
Phenacite (Phenakit), from Russia faceted stones, A quality, top cutting, free forms . Lot of 3 stones (free forms) Special: $28/crt |
Pietersite, tumbled, 0,25/gr |
Prehnite balls on Epidote Rods | |||
Pseudomorphoses from Transsylvania: (from $10-300) all sizes, all in top museum quality |
Pyritsonne,klein (small),ask for special offer & pictures! |
Pyrite dollar,mittel, ask for special offer & pictures! |
Pyritsonnen, top quality @ fair prices, ask for special offer & pictures! E-Mail: |
Platinum crystal !!! Konder,Khaburovsk, $180 | |||
Purpurite rough, 0,25/gr | |||
impressing quartz crystal clusters with white calcite from
Transsylvania, | |||
Romanian quartz clusters with pyrite and
chalcopyrite $6, $7 sold , $11, $20,
$32, $50, $180
| |||
Rose Quartz (Rosenquarz), USA Cabs 13x7mm: lot of 5 = $8 | |||
huge pseudomorphoses quartz after stibnite, quartz after
baryte, quartz | |||
Thulite from Thule, Polar region : This rare gem from
Norway provides an energy of contentment and safety for people who are
open to this mineral. It allows one to recognize the divine personal
nature. It further assists in reducing aimlessness,. | |||
Rainbow obsidiany : Cabochons from $6 to $12 (compare @$12-$35) / pce. |
Regenbogenobsidian,1A-poliert,Stke.200-500g |
Regenbogen Fluorit , $7/pce. |
Rhodochrosite xx Mexiko small: $5/pce |
Native Silver, beautiful micromounts, shiny hairs! (appr 7x7x4mm orig. size), from Schlema germany, $6/pce |
Native Silver, top mineral specimen in higfhest museum quality, ask for special offer & pictures! E-Mail: |
Rhodonite crystals, ask for our special offers or pictures! |
Star Ruby, Cabochon, Karnataka India, strong and detailed 6-ray star, good colour, nice cut, appr. 9x9mm $26/ea, appr. 10x12mm $36/ea, appr. 10x12mm $47/ea, |
Ruby crystals , sizes of 2-6cm, from India $60/kg |
Ruby Cabochons, lot of 5: $16 |
Ruby crystals , sizes of 2-6cm, from Madagascar : $45/kg |
Ruby-Zoisite, Rubin-Zoisit Tansania, lot of 1 Lb $25 |
Rhyolithe, Rhyolith, wonderful material: $7/kg |
Sillimanite-Catseye Katzenauge, Indien , top quality Cabochons |
Snowflake-obsidian , Schneeflocken-Obsidian kg :$7 |
huge perfect Stibnite clusters from Transsylvania $15, $32,
$60, $120, |
Sphene, Austria faceted, large stone, top coulr very bright, $350 (reg. $865) |
Tourmaline, Turmalin X, XX Huge Tourmaline XX cluster in finest museum quality (ask for better picture) with double terminated Topaz X is almost 100% perfect and comes from Brasil | |||
Uvarovite , (green garnet, Uwarowit) , tiny but nice deep
green XX on | |||
| |||
Sensitivity of thought |
Vivianite . Vivianit, Zahntuerkis, fr.Bolivia $12 /crystal, clusters, museum quality, undamaged, from $5 to $500 |
, Snake Water Agate with bubbles in water - Wasserachat Brasilien , size |
Sparks psychic abilities |
Vanadinite, all sizes,
top colour,$6, $7 sold , $11, $20, $32; Vanadinite crystals Mibladen,Marokko , topgrade: $32, $60,
$120, $180 , |
Wiluite XX from Kola Russia |
Waywayandaite with Friedelite | |||
Willemite, large XX from Ogdensburg or Franklin, NJ from $5 TN - $480 for cabinet sized museum quality with large XX | |||
Wulfenite-crystals :ask for special offer & pictures halg dozen of 1/2 inch sized crystals or XX groups: $50 |
All scientific datas with exact coordinates of find are on file in meteorite laboratory.
or fill out and remit kindly this following
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Copyright Erich H.Haiderer, 2006