Energetic Influences on Meteorites
or Stones - Criterias:

Influences and factors
regarding the energetic field of a rock:
1. the energies of the person/s
who transfer/s the stone to you. The energy level (mental projection) of a
person highly influences the "vibes" of the stone! Some people see in a stone
just dead rock and thus transfer their dragconic implant fields into the stone. A person
who recognize a stone as a divine sleeping being releases, redeems and almost
awakenes the "primary" powers of this celestial material.
The preferred energy when you
buy/get a stone would be transferred from a source/person who radiates clarity,
freedom, self-respect, purity, courage and high emotion (all these patterns are
typical signs of clean energy).
If you can’t acquire a meteorite from such a
personality make at least sure that the person who took care of the stone before
is/was at least honest, ethical, and of a benevolent character. Such a person
should also have the highest possible scientific background regarding
meteoritics, and adjacent fields, such as mineralogy, and/or petrology.
So be
aware that when you buy a stone or a meteorite you are also obtaining the
vibrations/ energies of the dealer/prior owner (unless the seller is, as stated
above, is of very clean and clear energy, himself). The accumulation of foreign
energies gets even more intense when the stone went through many different hands
before your acquisition.
In any case, a know-how on how to clean the stone
from unwanted energies should be acquired and applied. You may also ask
(reliable) dealers or specialists to do this for you, or you may ask for
detailed instructions on how to do this.
2. the petrologic makeup of
the place where the rock originated on it's parent body.
3. shock features and melt
processes that were caused by an impact of another body on the original
parent body of the meteorite, as well as shock features and melt processes that
were caused by collision/s with other bodies while travelling in
4. exposure to other energies
and vibrations in space.
5. heating processes causing fusion
crust and thumbprinting while the stone passes through or enters into the
atmosphere of a bigger planetary body, such as the Earth.
6. the landing site of the
meteorite: stones that fell in a "civilized" area will quickly attract the
synergetic energies of the inhabitants of that region! Stones that were found in
uncivilized regions with arid climate were mostly exposed for long times to the
energies of the Sun, the Moon and the stars, thus radiating for one part the
energy of the specific area and for the other part the cosmic influence that has
been transmitted by the exposure of the stone to the day and night
7. the
preparation of the meteorite sample prior to sale: some meteorite slices are
cut, and polished with chemicals that contaminate the stone, such as
petroleum-based cooling-liquids. This might severely affect the energetic
signature of the stone, as well as artifical heating, and/or other
semi-destructive preparation and polishing processes (such as the use of epoxy
to stabilize the specimen before cutting, or the use of certain chemicals for
polishing the cut surface). Please make sure to ask your dealer how the
individual specimen has been prepared, and handled.
8. its
origin in space (parent body)
a) chondritic material
mostly old material arriving on Earth from the
asteroid belt. These huge fragments came into
existence by
the destruction of a planet that existed between the orbits of Mars and
This planet was the real fifth planet from the
Ordinary chondrites often quickly attract vibrations
from the area where they hit the Earth.
OCs (due to their
special thermal history, especially Ls and LLs) that landed in
"civilized" area quickly attract the synergetic energies
of the inhabitants of that region!
b) achondritic
mostly planetary material of younger age.
Achondrites have a more autonomic energy than OCs.
represent and radiate the energy from space and their original parent
Copyright: ErichHHaiderer and. N.Classen,