
Freedom from Implants, deine Freiheit (dann kannst du dich "ihm"
(created 00-09-25 bhurdor)updated Friday, 05 August 2001
Free comes from the sanskrit "priya": the loved
one who is not determined by anything beyond its own nature or
being : choosing or capable of choosing for itself; determined by
the choice; made, done, or given voluntarily or spontaneously;
relieved from or lacking something unpleasant or burdensome ,
not bound, confined, or detained by force; without restrictions or
outside regulations; having no obligations (as to work) or
commitments; CLEAR; not being used or occupied; not fastened; not
confined to a particular position or place; FRANK, OPEN; not costing
or charging anything; not united with, attached to, combined with,
or mixed with something else; chemically uncombined; not
permanently attached but able to move about; not allowing slavery;
open to all comers
Werde freier dadurch dass du aufhoerst , Vorstellungen anderer,
die fuer dich möglicherweise bedeutsam erscheinen, entsprechen zu
wollen. Das innere Werk der Eroberung des Himmelreichs kann nur
durch höchste Freiheit vollbracht werden. Ein Eintreten von Freiheit
wird erleichtert, wenn du von folgenden Lebensqualitäten von einem
Zustand des Überfluß geprägt bist: Bewusstsein (Geistesgegenwart),
Macht, Geld , Liebe , geistige Disziplin, Gesundheit , Willenskraft
(ermoeglicht durch die Praesenz von guten und die Absenz von
schlechten Taten) und Gott in dir ist und durch deine Stimme
spricht! Habe sichergestellt, daß du kein Ziel gesetzt, keinen
Vertrag geschlossen hast, von dem du nicht überzeugt bist. Mache
eine Checkliste, ob die geplante Aktion mit deinen Zielen
harmonisiert! (Templat-liste Kann bei uns angefordert
werden). Freiheit besteht auch darin, komfortabel in der Lage zu
sein, Aktionen setzen zu können, die das eigene Gewissen erfordert.
Sonntag, 5. August 2001 Wie bhurdor In history human
beings have been misused by dominators . Goals from strangers
have been implanted in humans mind in order to create wilful slaves.
Electroshock, pain and fear of pain were used to reach that goal.
When opposing orders were implanted in the mind, this individual had
(and has) to act (react) in mentally disturbed circuit pattern! Know
now, that you are different. You are unique and you are out of the
Light! It will be possible for you to accomplish amazing things. Not
only will the Light of your being cut a path in front of you, but it
will hunt out, search and destroy those that attempt to come in and
hide, and even try to function in this reality as if they are indeed
born as human! fearlessness : there is nothing to be afraid from
but the fraud of the fear Remember that great love and great
achievements involve great risk. To grow to a masterpiece of god
fearlessness is an essential ingredient. If you counter feelings
like fear ask yourself "What could happen (if I ... act , if I be,
...)?" If you deal with people who might get paralysed by
feelings like fear ask them "What could happen if you do act
Here are also some helpful extracts from the book "Do
It": You should have realized that that fear you've been using as
a reason not to do things-it's really a part of the energy to get
things done. when we feel fear , our body releases into the
bloodstream adrenaline, glucose + other energy-producing
chemicals. This physical energy is available to support our
thoughts + actions. In a new situation, naturally we want all the
information we can get. This is when the sharpened senses ,
sensitivity, and heightened awareness associated with fear are
useful- they help us absorb and more quickly process the new
Do It p.83 fear is the energy to Do your best in a new
situation Affirmation Ich stellte sicher, daß ich kein Ziel
gesetzt habe von dem ich nicht überzeugt bin. Mache eine Checkliste,
ob die geplante Aktion mit deinen Zielen harmonisiert! Pack den
Stier bei den Hörnern Vor jeder fraglichen Aktion gefragt: bringt
sie mir mehr oder weniger Freiheit? Könnte ich an Ihrer Stelle
eine Aktion setzen, die noch mehr Freiheit brächte? Affirmationen
: "ich löste in Licht auf, daß ich nicht hart und entschlossen genug
für mein Leben und mein gerechtes Anrecht eintrete " "Ich löste
in harmonischer Weise in Licht auf: Flüche, Bannsprüche, (Wodoo u.a.
magischen Zauber) die mich, mein magisches Selbst und mein
ursprüngliches Ziel verhängt!" ich bat mich zu lösen von Eiden
Schwüren, die mich belasten löse sie in Licht auf ich löse
alle Gewohnheiten, auch alles was ich "most secretely" liebe mit
Licht auf /kA ich hab die Angst von der Wurzel her aufgelöst
Ich habe mich aller negativen geistigen Wesen und. Cords
befreit, die je auf mich einwirkten It is part of what you are
led to believe on this planet, that you have nothing to do with it.
That is part of the robbing of your own energy. Someone teaches
you that you are not in charge and you buy it and you operate with a
sense of powerlessness. "I am not in charge of my life. I have
nothing to do with what happens to me. It is all out of my hands."
That is an incredible tyranny. It is exactly the opposite of how
this planet operates. Um Freiheit u. Zeit zu sparen machen keine
unnötigen Versprechungen Einmal pro Jahr gehe zu einem Platz, wo
du noch nie warst Once a year, go someplace you've never been
before. Sai: When in fear and doubt, pray to Me. Tune in to My
mighty Power, which, compared to the power of the sun which I have
placed in the heavens, is what a baby's breathing is to a typhoon.
Rainer Maria Rilke wrote: "That is at bottom the only
courage is demanded of us: to have courage for the most strange, the
most singular and the most inexplicable that we may encounter. That
mankind has in this sense been cowardly has done life endless harm;
the experiences that are called "visions," the whole so-called
"spirit world," death and all those things that are so closely akin
to us, have by daily parrying been so crowded out of life that the
senses by which we could have grasped them are atrophied. To say
nothing of God." Sai: No matter where you go, always know that I
will be there, inside you, guiding every step of the way. ... You
are my very own, dearer than dear to me. I will protect you as the
eyelids protect the eyes. Erst wenn Du frei bist, kannst du dich
Gott widmen. Erst als freigewordener Geist ziehst du Ihn fast
zwangsläufig zu dir. Eckehart führt dazu Christi Worte an: er habe
uns nicht zu Knechten machen wollen, sondern uns Freunde geheißen.
"Denn ein Knecht weiß nicht, was sein Herr will."
