
Angst und Freiheit, Fear & Freedom

updated bhurdor April/28/2001
updated djabril September/16/2001

Erlaube den Wesen um dich so zu sein,
wie sie sind, ohne auf sie auch nur mental oder energetisch, auf fordernde oder einschränkende Weise einzuwirken! - Wenn du Freiheit gewährst, wirst auch du dir selbst sie (von deinem Gewissen, das deinen Willen dirigiert) zugestehen.
Gewinne Freiheit durch deine Sichtweise, dass du Kontrolle fallen lassen und Dinge Gott anvertrauen kannst.

Akzeptiere Furcht - dadurch wird sie gleichzeitig zu einer höher und leichter schwingenden Kraft transformiert! In Furcht liegt wahrlich die Essenz und deren Kraft um das beste aus einer schwierigen Situation zu machen. So ersetzt du Angst durch Freiheit, Paralysiertheit durch freie Wahl.
Der ganze Körper profitiert durch den durch Angst ausgelösten Adrenalinschuss und den Ausstoß anderer energieproduzierender Chemikalien, so dass das Wesen in einen erhöhten Zustand der Wachsamkeit gerät. Die Sinne werden geschärft, die Sensitivität erhöht und durch die eintretende geistige Wachsamkeit die Reaktionszeit verkürzt.
Furcht setzt frei, man muss sie nur annehmen.
Transformiere Angst zu Unverfrorenheit (nie frieren!).
Pack den Stier bei den Hörnern und du erlebst einen Energieschub. Die geistige Welt hilft dir bei großen, gewagten Unternehmungen. Unverfrorenheit wird von ihr akzeptiert, denn es ist eine Qualität der Auserwählten! Transferiere Furcht durch ihr Annehmen in einen Nektar von Macht!
Angst vor Angst:
Angst vor eigenen körperlichen Reaktionen
Bei Reisen oder Vorhaben: Praktiziere gute Reisevorbereitung, habe alles unnötige vermeiden, was Erregungspegel in Höhe treiben könnte.

Freiheit tritt nur dann ein, wenn du von deinen Emotionen nicht beeinflusst bist.
I am willing to move beyond fear in order to fulfil what is wanted for my mission.

You should have realized that that fear you've been using as a reason not to do things-it's really a part of the energy to get things done.
when we feel fear , our body releases into the bloodstream adrenaline, glucose + other energy-producing chemicals.
This physical energy is available to support our thoughts + actions.
In a new situation, naturally we want all the information we can get. This is when the sharpened senses , sensitivity, and heightened awareness associated with fear are useful- they help us absorb and more quickly process the new information
Do It p.83
fear is the energy to do your best in a new situation
Laz aris s chreibt:
Furcht ist etwas, was dich einzuschüchtern vermag: Es ist nicht so sehr den angedrohte Tod, der seinen Schrecken über dich auszuüben scheint (obwohl mögliche Zerstörung ein Teil der virtuellen Bedrohung ist): Mainly it's scary because it threatens impotence. An example: Perhaps you're not so much afraid of dying as you are afraid of pain in the process of dying. And even scarier is feeling that
pain and not dying, and therefore having to live the rest of your life with that. That impotence -- that's the threat that fear offers.
But more than that, fear threatens the withdrawal of affection. Fear threatens the exposure of the Dark side of self. Fear also threatens the exposure of the Light Side of self, the positive qualities that people have that they've similarly learned to tuck away. It's what psychologists call the Shadow, the Dark Shadow and the Light Shadow. Fear threatens to expose them both.
Fear threatens also to produce or generate destruction. It threatens that you'll be totally obliterated, totally demolished -
- and short of it that, you won't have the gift of death, but that you'll have to survive.
And fear blackmails. Fear says, "If you don't watch out, we're going to cause you to have love withdrawn, and you're going
to end up all alone and lonely." Or, "We're going to expose you,
and everyone will see your ambition, and your aggressiveness, and the pride and hostility, and all those ugly things you thought you had hidden so well." Or, worse yet, "We're going to expose you,
and they're going to see your power and strength and talent and
all the beautiful parts that you've hidden away."
It's blackmail, just as if someone said, "We're going to expose something, so pay up." Well, that's what fear does. It
says, "If you don't cooperate with us, if you don't be afraid of
us, then we're going to do something, and you'd better pay up."
And as with any blackmail, if you expose it, you're safe. Why would love be withdrawn? What would happen to intimacy, the caring? What is that Dark Side that you're so afraid of, or the Light Side that you're even more afraid of? What could be the potential physical damage or maiming or impotence that would be there? What is the loneliness that would be there? What is the loneliness that it really threatens?
And as you can expose that to yourself, then you reduce -not eliminate, but reduce -- why fear is so scary. Once you reduce it, then fear can once again become that instinct that is a
natural part of you -- the survival instinct of fight, flight, reproduce and feed yourself. It can become the teacher.
Fear was your first teacher, the very first one you ever had. The fear of mother withdrawing the nursing, the love, the nurturing. It is a great teacher. It is a motivator, certainly so. If necessity is the mother of invention, then too often the father of invention is fear. It can be a great motivator, and we would suggest it also haunts and looms. But it can also warn you, cause you to remind yourself and to keep within the boundaries of your
own self and your own direction. Fear can be the boundary to let
you know when you're getting off course.
So it an be very positive if you can take away the blackmail. And in that scope, once you remove the blackmail then
you can learn to work with fear, and it doesn't have to be so frightening. It doesn't have to be the enemy. In fact, it can
become a strange, but nonetheless very valuable, ally. And in this time, it is so important that people really not just say the
words and let them pass on by, not just pay lip service to "fear of success," but that they also dig into it and really resolve these issues.
In this decade the greatest of fears and the greatest of joys will be there for humanity -- in an individual and a collective way -- to embrace. As you learn to handle both your right of success and the mask or the shadows of fear, then you can more readily choose the greatest joys and greatest of dreams, and work with and use those fears to implement them. ...
(La zaris)